Phuket Island Flight Departures

Find great flight deals on flights from Phuket island Airport in Thailand? Below you can compare low cost, budget, scheduled airline flights & air travel deals from Phuket International airport ( HKT ), flying both domestic and International routes. Great for flights home, visa trips, or simply for a quick holiday getaway.

If you live on Phuket island, or just need a cheap flight for travel, business, a visa trip etc we offer you a listing of available last minute Phuket flights, and flight travel deals below.

Phuket departure flight deals

Below are up-dated, last minute Phuket flights deals leaving Phuket for airports in Thailand, Asia and beyond right now.
* If there are no flights, or no flights from Phuket to the destination you wish to travel to, then please use the Phuket flight search module. If there are no departure flights this could also be due to COVID-19. If this is the case please check back later, or use the above search modual.

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